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Sirota Jerica - mp3 (256) Moja verzija skladbe "Sirota Jerica" iz filma "Erazem in potepuh". Narejena za Abort 2001. (december 2001) My version of the tune "Sirota Jerica" (Orphan Annie) from the film "Erazem in potepuh" (Erasmus and a Bum). I made it for the Abort 2001. (December 2001)
A dream - mp3
A dream - ogg
Komad "A Dream" je epitaf za umrle - izbrisane - podatke. Pet let dela je šlo (skoraj) v nič. Ostane tisto, kar je v glavi. Tako zvenijo podatki, ko pojejo o sanjah, ki so ostale nekje v podzavesti. (september 2002) A piece "A Dream" is an epitaph for the lost - deleted -data. Five years of work (almost) completely gone. What remains is in the head. This is how the data sounds when it sings about dreams that still remain somewhere in the subconsciousness. (September 2002)
session - 2003-01-07 - mp3
session - 2003-01-07 - ogg
Posnel sem kratek jam session za računalnik, mikrofon in tepca. Pure Data poskrbi za efekte, računalnik za zvoke. Tepec temu pravi glasba. (januar 2003) I recorded a short jam session for a computer, a microphone and a dummy. Pure Data takes care of the effects, computer supplies sounds. A dummy calls it music. (January 2003)
miha*tomsic(a)guest*arnes*si 13. januar 2003 January 13th, 2003